
Temperaments of Goebbels children
Magda once described the temperaments of five of her children to her sister-in-law Eleanore (Ello) Quandt by describing how each would react to learning they had been deceived by their spouse:

  • Helga – Would seize a revolver and shoot the unfaithful husband out of hand, or at least try to.
  • Hilde – Would collapse altogether, sobbing and weeping, but would soon appear to be reconciled if her husband expressed remorse and swore to be faithful in the future.
  • Helmut – Would never believe that his wife would deceive him.
  • Holde – Would never quite get over the infidelity, but would be too proud to reproach her husband. Finally, through the breach of confidence on the part of her husband she would go to pieces altogether.
  • Hedda – On the other hand, would give a peal of laughter and say, "Come here you rascal and give me a kiss".
  • 8.1.16

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    De Musset's sign : a condition in which there is rhythmic nodding or bobbing of the head in synchrony with the beating of the heart, in general as a result of aortic insufficiency whereby blood from the aorta regurgitates into the left ventricle due to a defect in the aortic valve


    what your right hand possesses : "Ma malakat aymanukum" is a reference in the Qur'an to slaves.


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     Hippocratic Fingers :  nail clubbing (also known as drumstick fingers and watch-glass nails) is a deformity of the fingers andfingernails associated with a number of diseases, mostly of the heart and lungs


    Adipocere: wax-like organic substance formed by the anaerobic bacterial hydrolysis of fat in tissue, such as body fat in corpses